ผลของการฝึกสมาธิบำบัดแบบ SKT2 ต่อระดับความดันโลหิตของผู้รับบริการในแผนกงานแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ผสมผสาน โรงพยาบาลปัตตานี


  • วิชัย นภาพงศ์ คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี
  • สมคิด ทองมี
  • มัณฑนา เอื้อละพันธ์
  • จินดา เกียรติศักดิ์


This quisi-experimental study aims to study the effects of the SKT2 meditation practice on blood pressure in hypertension patients and satisfaction who received the services at department of Thai traditional and complementary medicine Pattani Hospital between January to February 2015. Thirty subjects were divided into SKT2 meditation practice group 15 subjects and control group 15 subjects. All subjects were interviewed and measured blood pressure before starting experiment. SKT2 meditation group was practiced according to the experts for 15 minutes, then measured blood pressure after practice. Participants were practiced according to the experts every week and practiced by themselves at home for 15 minutes everyday for 8 weeks.The statistical devices used in data analysis were descriptive statistics and t-test Independent. The results showed that the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure after practice techniques SKT2 meditation reduced significantly. Comparing the difference in pressure systolic and diastolic blood pressure of both groups at 8 weeks showed that the practices meditation techniques SKT2 group slightly less than the control group. When analyzing the satisfaction of service of meditation therapy SKT2 techniques showed that participants are very satisfied service of meditation therapy SKT2 techniques at department of Thai traditional and complementary medicine Pattani Hospital.



