The Package for Promoting Development of Children with Early Stage Cerebral Palsy


  • Niroumon Suwannasri Early Childhood Education Division, Bachelor of Education Program, Faculty of Education, Suan Dusit University
  • Chitra Chanagul Early Childhood Education Division, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Kittisak Ketunuti of School of Early Childhood Education, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Sudthipan Dhirapongse Early Childhood Education Division, Bachelor of Education Program, Faculty of Education, Suan Dusit University


development, package for promoting development, children with cerebral palsy


This research aims to develop and investigate the utilization appropriateness of a package for promoting development of children with early stage cerebral palsy. The population and samples in this study were parents and 0-6 year old children with cerebral palsy. There were 2 samples selected by purposive sampling from Regional Special Education Center 11, Nakhon Ratchasima. The research procedure applied the Borg & Gall theory, consisting of two steps: Step 1 – Creating and developing the package for promoting development of children with early stage cerebral palsy. Step 2 - Assessing the appropriateness of the developmental package and user satisfaction. The instrument used was interview recording form 5 level suitability assessment form. The Statistics used for the analysis were mean and standard deviation.

The research results were the package for promoting development of children with early stage cerebral palsy, which consists of a 4-step implementation process:  preparation, creating understanding, practice and evaluation.  The package materials consisted of a set of user’s manuals, a parent’s manual, activity plans, online learning materials, practice sheets and a bag for keeping the parent’s manual and materials. The utilization appropriateness of the manual and the package was assessed at the high level, with the mean as a whole measuring 3.80-4.80; the activity plans were also assessed at the high level, with the mean as a whole measuring 4.00-4.60, and parents’ satisfaction with the package at the high level as well, with the mean as a whole measuring 4.00-5.00


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How to Cite

Suwannasri, N., Chanagul, C., Ketunuti, K., & Dhirapongse, S. (2020). The Package for Promoting Development of Children with Early Stage Cerebral Palsy . An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502001 (13 pages). Retrieved from