The Development of a Modified Essay Question Test of Physics Problem Solving Ability by Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem on Static Electricity for Grade 11th Students


  • Parichat Sinsappaiboon Graduate Student of Educational Research and Evaluation, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Krittayakan Topithak Educational Research and Evaluation, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Modified Essay Question Test, Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem


This research aims to construct and determine the quality of a Modified Essay Question Test to evaluate the abilities of physics problem solving by Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem on Static Electricity for 11th grade students. The samples of this study included 250 students in the 11th grade of the under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42, Nakhonsawan Province, during the second semester of 2018. The instrument used in this research was the Modified Essay Question Test to evaluate the abilities of physics problem solving by Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem on Static Electricity. The test provided 4 events. Data were analyzed using index of validity item-objective congruence: IOC, difficulty index, discrimination index, inter-rater reliability, reliability analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis.

The results are as follows: 1) The Modified Essay Question Test used to evaluate the abilities of physics problem solving by Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem on Static Electricity provided 4 events; each test consisted of 5 questions including 20 items in total with each item lasting for 3-4 minutes. 2) The validation of the Modified Essay Question Test found the content validity at (IOC index = 1.00), difficulty index was 0.49-0.54, discrimination index was 0.56-0.61, inter-rater reliability was 0.904, Internal consistency reliability was 0.88 and construct validity of the abilities of physics problem solving by Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem model could be consistently dependent on the empirical data (Chi-square = 9.428, df = 5, p = 0.932, RMSEA = 0.086)


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How to Cite

Sinsappaiboon, P., & Topithak, K. . (2020). The Development of a Modified Essay Question Test of Physics Problem Solving Ability by Heller and Heller’s Logical Problem on Static Electricity for Grade 11th Students. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502010 (12 pages). Retrieved from