Development of Inner Hearing Lesson Plans for Note Reading based on Kodály’s Approach for Early Piano Students


  • Sukridya Assawaweeradej Graduate Student of Music Education Division, Department of Art, Music and Dance Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Narutt Suttachitt Music Education Division, Department of Art, Music and Dance Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


inner hearing, note reading, Kodály, lesson plan


The purpose of this research was to develop inner hearing lesson plans for note reading, based on Kodály’s approach for early piano students, using the pilot version of lesson plans with students. The research approaches used were research with development, namely, creating pilot lesson plans and then developing them according to Kodály’s approach, the experimental results, and recommendations of the experts. This research used purposive sampling of 5 early piano students aged 7-10 currently studying at BBP MUSIC Studio. Data were analyzed through a process of interviewing experts in order to develop the lesson plans. The data were interpreted inferentially concluded and presented in written form.

The results reveal that 1) the long-range plan developed by researchers consists of ten 30-minute lessons. The rhythm content consists of crotchets, quavers and crotchet rests. In addition, the pitch content consists of la, sol, mi, re, and do. 2) The research was developed through two iterations. Pitch and rhythm were taught separately at the beginning, and then combined together in the third lesson. Meanwhile, preparing a new song for the next lesson was introduced at the end of each previous lesson, and the experience was reinforced by doing a posttest with exercises similar to those used during the lessons.


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How to Cite

Assawaweeradej, S., & Suttachitt, N. (2020). Development of Inner Hearing Lesson Plans for Note Reading based on Kodály’s Approach for Early Piano Students. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502027 (11 pages). retrieved from