A Needs Assessment of Academic Management Development in Early Childhood Education of Mueang District Yala Province based on Multiculturalism
multicultural, academic management, early childhood educationAbstract
This study is a descriptive research and the purpose of this research is to identify the needs of academic management development in early childhood education in the Mueang district of Yala province based on multicultural values. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNImodified. The informants consisted of 112 administrators and early childhood educators in the Mueang district of Yala province.
The findings showed that the overall present state was at a high level (M = 3.911, SD = 0.499) and the desirable state was at a high level (M = 4.405, SD = 0.565) in academic management development in early childhood education in the Mueang district of Yala province based on Multiculturalism. The first priority was Early Childhood Curriculum Management (PNImodified = 0.220) in Multicultural Knowledge Competency. (PNImodified = 0.225)
Based on the findings, policy makers should set policies for early childhood curriculum management to be aligned with those fit for a multicultural society and encourage early childhood educators to implement a curriculum that integrates and fosters multicultural knowledge competency in children.
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