A Needs Assessment of Academic Administration of Elementary School under Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office based on the Accept of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills


  • Chanya Bunjaroen Graduate Student in Educational Administration Division, Department of Educational Policy Management, and Leadership, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Dhirapat Kulophas Educational Administration Division, Department of Educational Policy Management, and Leadership, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


needs, academic administration, creative thinking skills


The purpose of this research is to assess the current and desirable states and the needs of academic administration of elementary schools under the Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office based on the creative thinking skills of students by using the concept of academic administration framework. This is a descriptive research that includes a case study of an elementary school under the Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office. The research instrument used in this study was a rating scaled questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNImodified. The informants were 65 administrators and teachers from an elementary school underthe Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office and a group of Rattanakosin Schools.

The findings showed that the overall present state of academic administration of the elementary school under Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office based on creative thinking skills of students was at the medium level (M = 2.938) and the desirable state was at the highest level (M = 4.740) The highest priority was evaluation (PNImodified = 0.706). The second highest priority was curriculum management and development (PNImodified =0.630) The findings based on the needs and priorities for elementary schools under Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office may be used to help design guidelines to develop projects to improve creative thinking ability.


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How to Cite

Bunjaroen, C., & Kulophas, D. (2020). A Needs Assessment of Academic Administration of Elementary School under Bangkok Primary Education Service Area Office based on the Accept of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502014 (12 pages). Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/OJED/article/view/241400