Guidelines to Promote Students’ Public Mind in Primary School under Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Kannikan Puangpet Graduate Student of Elementary Education Division, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Kirati Khuvasanond Elementary Education Division, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


public mind, promoting public mind


The purpose of the research was 1) to study the state and problems of public mind promotion among primary schools in Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office and 2) to propose appropriate guidelines for promoting public mind among primary schools. Data from a questionnaire survey were collected from 37 school directors and 222 primary school teachers. The questionnaire consisted of information concerning course structure, learning activities, evaluation, school participation and support. The quantitative data was analyzed and presented as frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation, while the qualitative data was collected by interviews. Content analysis was used to analyze the data from the interviews. The research results found that schools lacked a variety of activities and were unable to provide practical learning activities. Guidelines for the development of public mind promotion among school administrators and teachers must include developing educators to have knowledge and understanding as well as giving importance to promoting the public mind. Injecting public mind with a focus on encouraging students to practice is important, while building a network to foster cooperation with parents as well as enabling the community to participate and support learning would be beneficial.


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How to Cite

Puangpet, K., & Khuvasanond , K. . (2020). Guidelines to Promote Students’ Public Mind in Primary School under Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502033 (11 pages). Retrieved from