The Comparison of Attitudes towards Online Learning via Video and Live Broadcasting of Fourth year Medical Students at Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital


  • Patcha Ruayjinda Research Assistant, Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital
  • Direk Ekbovonwong Director of Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital


attitude, online learning, medical students


This qualitative research aimed to study attitudes towards online learning via video and live broadcasting of fourth year medical students at Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital and to study the comparison of attitude towards online learning via video and live broadcasting. The data were collected using an administered questionnaire. The sample of this paper was 30 participants selected by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the research found that there are differences in attitudes towards online learning via video and live broadcasting in various following issues: 1) For teachers, online learning via video allows them to cover content and speak without a need to hurry but there is less interaction between the teacher and students compared to live broadcasting. 2) Content such as online learning via video is useful to review content; however, it is not suitable for content that requires discussion or practice and is different from live broadcasting. 3) For students, online learning via video allows them to study at their own convenience and therefore differs from live broadcasting, which has to be attended at a specified time. 4) Equipment such as online learning via video often suffers from blackouts and internet connection problems. It can be changed so the video can be watched later. Moreover, internet connection problems during a live broadcast delay attending classes. 5) For the environment, online learning via video is more convenient than live broadcasting in terms of location, posture, and dress code. The adoption of online learning should be based on its objectives and benefits and take into account the readiness of the teacher, content, students, equipment and the environment.


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How to Cite

Ruayjinda, P., & Ekbovonwong, D. (2020). The Comparison of Attitudes towards Online Learning via Video and Live Broadcasting of Fourth year Medical Students at Medical Education Center, Surat Thani Hospital. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502035 (12 pages). Retrieved from