Approaches for Developing Service Learning Management in International Schools


  • Maneeon Cordes Graduate Student of Education Administration Division, Department of Educational Policy Management, and Leadership, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Nantarat Charoenkul Education Administration Division, Department of Educational Policy Management, and Leadership, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


service learning, IB diploma


The purposes of this research were 1) to study service learning management and its obstacles in international schools, and 2) to propose management guidelines for developing service learning in international schools. The research studied two international schools in Bangkok, Thailand using the International Baccalaureate curriculum in all grade levels (Full IB schools). The instruments of this research were semi-structured interviews with schools’ administrative and CAS coordinators, and a five-point rating scaled questionnaire on IB Learner Profiles of students.

The research results showed that the learning outcome from service learning has led students to achieve an IB Learner Profile at high levels in all 10 assessed areas. The IB Learner Profile identity in which students achieved the highest score is ‘Open-minded’. By comparison, the lowest score among the 10 areas was that of being ‘Risk-takers’. From the interviews with school administrative and CAS coordinators, the study found that they are satisfied with the current service learning management in schools, and agree that service learning enhances desirable student learning outcomes for all 10 aspects of the IB learner profile. A seven-point proposal for management guidelines was put forward for developing service learning in international schools aimed at resolving service-learning obstacles. The proposal focuses on managing the timeline of the service learning procedures for all stakeholders, along with reflection on past projects in order to develop service learning management for the purpose of obtaining the service learning goals.


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How to Cite

Cordes, M., & Charoenkul, N. (2020). Approaches for Developing Service Learning Management in International Schools. An Online Journal of Education, 15(2), OJED1502028 (12 pages). Retrieved from