Development of Learning Management Competencies for Undergraduate Students of Education Program Through Experiential Learning


  • Ontida Prasarn Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Nawaphon Kunmaneelert Sisaket Rajabhat University


learning management competencies, experiential learning, undergraduate students of education program


The objective of this study was to 1) develop learning management competencies and
2) reflective teaching for the undergraduate students of the education program through experiential learning. The target group consisted of the undergraduate students majoring in Thai Language of education program studying in Thai language teaching skills. The research instruments were:
1) an evaluation form of learning management competency, and 2) a reflection form of learning management competency. The action research spirals were conducted through PAOR by collaboration in planning, classroom analyzing, learning management design, learning management practice, observation, and reflecting on the practice among students and lecturers. Data were analyzed by qualitative synthesis, data summarization from the occurred phenomenon in class, and participation in reflection of practice in developing and improving learning management. The results revealed two aspects in relation to the data analysis. First, for the learning management competencies including the three areas of competency: knowledge, skill, and attitude, it was found that the students were able to use their knowledge in real life situations. Second, the students revealed that the students paid attention to knowledge, Thai language structure and usage, literature, literary works as well as language use for communication, design for various learning activities and thinking development, construction of learning management media by technology usage, evaluation of students’ learning development, and sharing and reflection of collaborative practice as good guidelines for self-development through their reflections.



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How to Cite

Prasarn, O., & Kunmaneelert, N. . (2021). Development of Learning Management Competencies for Undergraduate Students of Education Program Through Experiential Learning. An Online Journal of Education, 16(1), OJED1601009(15 pages). Retrieved from