Parent Guidelines for Creating Optimum Relationship with Preschoolers in Haruthai Kindergarten School


  • Prime Pecthboot Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Worawan Hemchayart Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


parent guidelines, optimum relationship, preschoolers


The research objective was to study the parental guidelines for creating an optimum relationship with preschoolers in Haruthai Kindergaten School which includes the values of: respecting Individual differences, caring for each other, and creating good relationships. The samples were 126 parents of preschoolers in the second semester of academic year 2020. The research tool was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, means, and standard deviation. The research results found that the overall picture was at the high level of performance (M = 4.23). All aspects were at a high level of performance (4.09 ≤ M ≤ 4.44). (1) Building a good relationship with others (M = 4.44) consisted of creating an atmosphere of love and care (M = 4.80); expressions of caring for each other
(M = 4.42); caring for physical, emotional and mental health (M = 4.36); and mutual agreement
(M = 4.18). (2) Respect of Individual differences (M = 4.17) consisted of communication and exchange of ideas and experiences in daily life (M = 4.45); participation in activities that members enjoyed (M = 4.34); and reciprocal acceptance (M = 3.72). Lastly, (3) caring for each other (M = 4.09) consisted of rearing and teaching in every situation (M = 4.45); finding common solutions together (M = 4.44); preparing to confront obstacles or crises (M = 4.41); and avoiding conflicts (M = 3.05).



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How to Cite

Pecthboot, P., & Hemchayart, W. . (2021). Parent Guidelines for Creating Optimum Relationship with Preschoolers in Haruthai Kindergarten School. An Online Journal of Education, 16(1), OJED1601015 (13 pages). Retrieved from