Enhancing English Speaking Ability through Task Repetition Using the 4/3/2 Technique in Public Speaking Activities
Task repetition, 4/3/2 Technique, Public speakingAbstract
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of task repetition using the 4/3/2 technique in public speaking activities on the English speaking ability of upper secondary school students. The participants of the study were 13 twelfth-grade students studying in one public school in Bangkok in the first semester of academic year 2017. The instruments in the study were a speaking evaluation form and a rubric for content in public speaking. For data analysis, the quantitative data was analyzed by one-way repeated measures ANOVA to investigate the correlation among 4 minute-speaking, 3-minute speaking, and 2-minute speaking. The results revealed that after implementing task repetition using the 4/3/2 technique in public speaking activities, the students’ speaking fluency was significantly increased. However, apparent changes could not be seen from the results regarding students’ speaking accuracy and speech content.
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