Parents’ Opinions in Promoting Empathy of Preschoolers in Anubanwatnangnong School


  • Chonnikan Ladadok Chulalongkorn University
  • Sasilak Khayankij Chulalongkorn University


promoting empathy, parents’ opinion, preschoolers


The purpose of this research was to study parents’ opinions in promoting empathy of preschoolers in Anubanwatnangnong school. Three aspects were comprised being an emotional and social role model ,interacting with children, and expanding learning opportunities. Samples were 200 preschool parents in Anubanwatnangnong School by using Stratified sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using percentage, means, and standard deviation. The research finding found that parents’ opinions in promoting empathy of preschoolers in Anubanwatnangnong school in all 3 aspects performed at a high level (M = 4.24). Regarding each aspect, it was found that interacting with children was the highest mean score (M = 4.41), followed by expanding learning opportunities (M = 4.24), and being an emotional and social role model (M = 4.14).


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How to Cite

Ladadok, C., & Khayankij, S. . (2021). Parents’ Opinions in Promoting Empathy of Preschoolers in Anubanwatnangnong School. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602009 (14 pages). retrieved from