Parents’ Opinions in Promoting Outdoor Play for Preschoolers in Thai Christin Sapanluang School


  • Kritchaya Suphapanyachot Chulalongkorn University
  • Sasilak Khayankij Chulalongkorn University


promoting outdoor play, parents’ opinions, preschoolers


The purpose of this research was to study the opinions of parents towards the promotion of outdoor play of preschoolers in 3 aspects building an interaction, providing play opportunities and supporting outdoor play. Population were comprised of 94 parents of preschoolers 3-6 years of Thai Christian Sapanluang School under the Office of the Private Education Commission in the second semester of academic year 2020. The research tools was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using percentage, means, and standard deviation. Research results found that parents' opinions towards the promotion of outdoor play for preschoolers were at a high level (µ = 4.39). Considering each aspect, building an interaction had the highest mean score (µ = 4.59), followed by supporting outdoor play (µ = 4.30), and providing play opportunities (µ = 4.27), which were high level. In addition, parents commented that the promotion of outdoor play should closely monitored for safety reason. However, children needed to play outside everyday in a clean area.


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How to Cite

Suphapanyachot, K., & Khayankij, S. (2021). Parents’ Opinions in Promoting Outdoor Play for Preschoolers in Thai Christin Sapanluang School. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602010 (15 pages). retrieved from