States and Problems of Preschool Teachers in Organizing Anti-Corruption Raise Awareness Activities for Kindergarteners in Schools Attending Upright School Project in Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 4


  • Rungthiwa Ngernsombat Chulalongkorn University
  • Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat Chulalongkorn University


anti-corruption raise awareness activities, preschool teachers, states and problems


The purpose of this research was to study the states and problems of preschool teachers in organizing anti-corruption raise awarness activities for kindergarteners in schools attending upright school project in Chonburi primary educational service area office 4 in 4 aspects, namely education management planning aspect, education management aspect, media and environment preparation aspect, and learning outcome assessment aspect.The samples used in this research are 173 kindergarten teachers. The tools used in this research are surveys. Data are analyzed by analyzing frequency distribution, finding percentage value, and analyzing the content. The research findings of the kindergarten teachers in organizing activities were as follows. It has been found that in education management planning aspect, 97.11% of teachers determine objectives to encourage desirable characteristics in public consciousness. In education management aspect, 53.76% of teachers organize activities by all of the 4 steps, but not in order. In media and environment preparation aspect, 97.11% of teachers use media corresponding to children’s learning method. Lastly, in learning outcome assessment aspect, 78.61% of teachers use the outcome assessment to design activity management. As for the problems, it has been found that most of the teachers (98.66%) haven’t training in Upright School Project, 90.60% of teachers lack understanding in activity management, 75.71% of teachers lack enough budget for purchasing media, and 65.19% of teachers haven’t used outcome assessment to improve their teaching method.


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How to Cite

Ngernsombat, R., & Jaruchainiwat, P. (2021). States and Problems of Preschool Teachers in Organizing Anti-Corruption Raise Awareness Activities for Kindergarteners in Schools Attending Upright School Project in Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602018 (12 pages). Retrieved from