Analysis of Preschool Teachers’ Organizing Mix-Age Learning and Teaching in Namjitnamjai Kindergarten (pseudonym)


  • Ajchara Sirikamonsilp Chulalongkorn University
  • Sasilak Khanyankij Chulalongkorn University


The organizing learning and teaching, mix-age



The purpose of this research was to analyze the mixed-age learning experience of kindergarten teachers in 3 aspects: preparation, Class management as for learning activities, the population consisted of 26 kindergarten teachers in Namjitnamjai School (pseudonym). This research was a survey research collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. The research tools were questionnaires and interview forms. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation. and content analysis the results showed that Practice of kindergarten teachers in organizing mixed-age learning experiences Overall, it was at a high level (µ = 4.47). Considering each aspect, it was found that the age-mixed learning experiences of kindergarten teachers were at the highest level in 2 aspects, namely, learning activities (µ = 4.63). and classroom management (µ = 4.61). The average performance score was at a high level (µ = 4.18). As for the qualitative data on planning, it was found that teachers planned to organize activities for each age level in a systematic manner and flexibly adjust according to the situation. In terms of classroom management, it was found that the classrooms were allocated spaces in proportion. Children of all ages can learn together. and learning activities Teachers must have knowledge and understanding in the management of mixed-age teaching, creating opportunities and giving children freedom in learning.


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How to Cite

Sirikamonsilp, A., & Khanyankij, S. . (2021). Analysis of Preschool Teachers’ Organizing Mix-Age Learning and Teaching in Namjitnamjai Kindergarten (pseudonym). An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602020 (14 pages). retrieved from