Preschool Teachers’ Roles in Promoting Problem Solving Skills in Schools under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • Nutnicha Sripauraya Preecha Chulalongkorn University
  • Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat Chulalongkorn University


preschool teacher’s roles, problem solving skills


The purpose of this research was to study preschool teachers’ roles in promoting problem solving skills in schools under Nonthaburi primary educational service area office 2 according to 3 aspects: being a facilitator, arranging the environment, and being a role model. The sample group was 125 kindergarten teachers in school under Nonthaburi primary educational service area office 2. The research instrument was a questionnaire form. The data were analyzed by means, and standard deviation. The result of this research found that teacher’s promoting problem solving skills was at a high level (M = 4.00). Considering each aspect, all 3 aspects were at the high level. The highest mean score was being a facilitator (M = 4.06). Regarding each area, the highest mean score was helping children to understand problems (M = 4.20), followed by arranging the environment (M = 4.02). Regarding each area, the highest mean score was providing times for children to practice problem solving skills (M = 4.05) and being a role model (M = 3.91). Regarding each area, the highest mean score was engaging children in processes of problem solving (M = 3.97), respectively.


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How to Cite

Preecha, N. S. ., & Jaruchainiwat, P. (2021). Preschool Teachers’ Roles in Promoting Problem Solving Skills in Schools under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602021 (12 pages). Retrieved from