Integrated STEAM Education Learning Provision for Developing Design Thinking of Young Children


  • Pattamaporn Vitoon Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • Oraphan Butkatunyoo Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


integrated steam education learning provision, design thinking, early childhood


The purpose of this study was to study the effects of using an integrated STEAM Education provision for developing the design thinking of young children. The target group consisted of fifteen boys and fifteen girls at kindergarten level in a demonstration school in Bangkok, and the study was conducted for six weeks during the 2019 academic year. The six tools used for this included integrated STEAM Education lesson plans and an assessment form measuring the design thinking of young children. Data were analyzed through mean, median, and content analysis. The results revealed that young children who participated in the program showed consistent development at design thinking, both holistically and in five key areas. Improved design thinking includes the following steps: Step 1) Empathy: children began to understand the cause-result relationship, leading to increased problem identification ability, with an average score of 4.00. Step 2) Definition: children could identity what they needed to solve problems and how to solve them, with an average score of 4.00. Step 3) Ideation: children could determine the materials for their invention as well as justify their decisions, with an average score of 4.00. Step 4) Work creation: children could use the selected materials along with design models to create an invention in the given time period. 5) Testing: most children could make inventions allowed by their designs, follow the required conditions and improve their work. The average score was 4.83


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How to Cite

Vitoon, P., & Butkatunyoo, O. . (2022). Integrated STEAM Education Learning Provision for Developing Design Thinking of Young Children. An Online Journal of Education, 17(1), OJED1701001 (15 pages) doi: 10.14456/ojed.2022.1. Retrieved from