The Development of Preschool Children’s Executive Function Skills by Using Provision of Nature Based Learning


  • Natchuda Papatworapin Kasetsart University
  • Oraphan Butkatunyoo Kasetsart University


Executive Function skills, Nature based learning provision


The objectives of this study were to compare the executive function skills of preschool children before and after participated in  nature based learning provision and to observe behaviors that demonstrated executive function skills of preschool children. The target group in this study were 13 and preschool children - aged between 4 - 5 years old who were studying in the kindergarten 2nd,year in academic year 2019 at Watmaitrasmachikaram school. The instruments used in this study included the provision of nature based learning plans for preschool children. The executive function skills of preschool children behavior assessment form for child care teachers / kindergarten teachers, of Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI) and Mahidol University. The executive function skills behavior of preschool children observation form. Analysis data by frequency , percentage, mean, standard division and content analysis. The results showed that peschool children who participated in nature based learning provision had the posttest mean scores was 104.38, standard deviation 14.99 higher than pretest mean score was 73.85, standard deviation 19.68 and also all five aspects during study had more higher increase in each week. The children could develop their executive function skills, which were all aspects: Inhibitory Control, Shift, Emotional Control, Working Memory and Planning & Organizing.


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How to Cite

Papatworapin, N., & Butkatunyoo, O. . (2021). The Development of Preschool Children’s Executive Function Skills by Using Provision of Nature Based Learning. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602023 (14 pages). Retrieved from