Approaches of Using Digital-Aged Technology for School Management at Mathayom Watnarong School


  • Manthana Phengsai Chulalongkorn University
  • Dhirapat Kulophas Chulalongkorn University


management, digital-aged technology


The purpose of the research were 1) to study the management of using digital-aged technology at Mathayom Watnairong school. 2) To propose Approaches of using digital-aged technology for school management at Mathayom Watnairong school. The study used case study approach by selection a case with best practice in technology utilization in school management. Data collection was done by observation and semi-structured interviews with school leaders and teachers. Data was validated by triangulation methods and analyzed with content analysis. The research results were as follow: 1) the management of using digital-aged technology at Mathayom Watnairong school used PDCA Cycle for management. The principal emphasized on the importance of monitoring manage the system by training and gaining knowledge on using digital-aged technology. The success factors of student support system. Moreover, systematic gathering information of school lead to effective development of using digital-aged technology for school management. 2) Approaches of using digital-aged technology for school management at Mathayom Watnairong school should be clearly performed and the principal should be continuously monitored the system. Teacher should be trained about using Digital-aged technology in each year that could help them to develop their working. Participation of guardians, community, and school partnerships should be getting involved in every step of the process.


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How to Cite

Phengsai, M. ., & Kulophas, D. (2021). Approaches of Using Digital-Aged Technology for School Management at Mathayom Watnarong School. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602027 (15 pages). Retrieved from