Development of a Local Curriculum of Art Learning Area in Lower Secondary School on Thai Song Dam Hand Weaving in Contemporary Context in Suphanburi Province
curriculum development, local art curriculum, textiles, Thaisongdam, SuphanburiAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study state and basic knowledge of a local curriculum of Thai Song Dam hand weaving and 2) to develop a local curriculum on Thai Song Dam hand weaving in contemporary context in Suphanburi province which is suited to 21th century learners The sample groups were 1) 7 art teachers 2) 63 secondary school students 3) 13 local Thai Song Dam fabrics experts and 4) 4 business men in Thai Song Dam textile. The research tools were 1) curriculum analysis forms 2) questionnaire forms for art teachers 3) interview forms for students, businessmen and experts and 4) curriculum evaluation forms for qualifications. The data was analyzed by means of percentage, means, and conclusion in an essay. The result revealed that 1) state and basic knowledge of a local curriculum on Thai Song Dam hand weaving in present is a sub content in Thai Song Dam culture curriculum which is included in Career and Technology Courses, Social Studies, or Course of Rally. 2) Based on survey and interview the sample groups found that a Thai Song Dam hand weaving in contemporary context curriculum should be taught by learning through the history of the fabrics, searching for knowledge from many sources and local experts, creating products in both conservative way for preserving and innovative ways for continuing to use in current context, teaching to use the fabrics correctly, and encouraging learners to bring their knowledge into their careers.
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