Parents’ Opinions on the Desirable Characteristics for Preschoolers in the English Program of the Anubanwatpichaisongkram School


  • Thanthip Chuengsirirungrueang Chulalongkorn University
  • Warawan Hemchayat Chulalongkorn University


parent’s opinions, desirable characteristics, preschoolers


The purpose of this research was to study parents’ opinions on the desirable characteristics for preschoolers in the English Program in 4 aspects. The populations were 50 preschool parents studying in the English Program of the Anubanwatpichaisongkram School. The research instruments were a questionnaire form and an interview form. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, means, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research results found that the overall of parents’ opinions on the desirable characteristics was at the high level (M = 4.30). Each aspect was described: 1) emotional and social aspect (M = 4.38): being proud on their own success was the highest mean (M = 4.90); andwilling to follow regulations was the lowest mean (M =4.04).  2)  physicalaspect (M = 4.33):being able to dress up on their own was the highest mean (M = 4.50); andbeing able to tie theirown shoes was the lowest mean (M = 4.18). 3)  Intelligenceaspect (M = 4.26): giving a basic explanation of things was the highest mean (M = 4.64); interesting in reading words/symbols found in daily life was the lowest mean (M = 3.66). 4) language aspect (M = 4.21): willing to join with cultural experienceswas the highest mean (M = 4.62); and responding a simple question in English was the lowest mean (M = 3.86).


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How to Cite

Chuengsirirungrueang, T., & Hemchayat, W. (2021). Parents’ Opinions on the Desirable Characteristics for Preschoolers in the English Program of the Anubanwatpichaisongkram School. An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602039 (13 pages). Retrieved from