Instructional leadership of School Administrators of the Samsen Kindergarten School (Government Lottery Office Foster)


  • Hathairat Pattaramanit Chulalongkorn University
  • Walaiporn Siripirom Chulalongkorn University


instructional leadership of school administrators


This research is a descriptive study. The objective of this research is to study the leadership of director Samsen Kindergarten School. The sample of this study were 17 people includes the school director, a deputy director in charge of academic affair, an assistant director of academic affairs, heads of each departments, leaders or representatives of each class. The study tool is a semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed by using content analysis. The research found that director has these leadership behaviors: 1) Assigning the mission. The director made a brainstorming to set the school’s objective, management structure and also put teachers to an appropriate job and performance. Used many ways to communicate with teachers for the same way understanding, same way doing and positive attitude about school. 2) Teaching management used the PDCA quality cycle to supervise teaching and to visit supervising. Then the administration will used the result to develop teachers, to set objective plan, to coordinate the school curriculum, to train teachers to write lesson plans, to provide the facilities to monitor the progress of student achievement in each semester and sharing the information 3) Strengthen the atmosphere of learning: well managed teaching time and well take care of it. Be the head to solve the problems and teachers and students can relied on, provide incentives for teachers, improve classroom technology, encourage teachers to develop themselves, support teacher developing by survey, provide well instrument for the students, to use technology for teaching, create a special class and the criteria for the award.


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How to Cite

Pattaramanit, H., & Siripirom, W. (2021). Instructional leadership of School Administrators of the Samsen Kindergarten School (Government Lottery Office Foster). An Online Journal of Education, 16(2), OJED1602050 (15 pages). Retrieved from