A Study of Instructional Leadership Behavior of School Administrators Perceived by Teachers and School Administrators: School Cluster 15 Dindang-Huaikwang Bangkok
instructional leadership, administratorsAbstract
The purposes of this descriptive research were to 1) study the level of instructional leadership behavior of school administrators perceived by teachers and administrators: school cluster 15. 2) Compare the level of instructional leadership behavior of school administrators perceived by teachers and administrators: school cluster 15. The theoretical framework based on instructional leadership behavior conceptual model of Hallinger and Murphy (1985). Population were school cluster 15 Dindang-Huaikwang Bangkok. The respondents were 18 administrators and 136 teachers. The research tool was rating scales questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, M, SD, and t-test.
The findings showed that 1) the overall and every aspects of instructional leadership behavior of school administrators perceived by teachers and administrators were high. The highest mean was framing school goals. The lowest mean was providing incentives for teacher. The comparison on the level of instructional leadership behavior of school administrators perceived between teachers and administrators showed that the difference was statistically significant at .05 on 9 aspects. 1) Framing school goals 2) Supervising and evaluating instruction 3) Monitoring student progress 4) Protecting instructional time 5) Maintaining high visibility 6) Providing incentives for teachers 7) Promoting professional development 8) Developing high academic standards 9) Providing incentives for students
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