Approaches for Development of Academic Administration of Ban Klong Sai School
the academic administration, academic affairs, academic administration guidelinesAbstract
This narrative research aimed to investigate the problems in academic management in Ban Klongsai School in order to find effective solutions. The sample group consisted of the School Director, the Head of the Academic Department, leaders in Learning Areas Groups, and teachers. Besides the 30 members from Ban Klongsai, there were also 10 certified experts consisting of the Director of Mae Lay School and leaders from each area of the Academic Learning Group at Ban Klongsai. Purposive sampling was used as a tool in selecting samples. The research collected data through interviews and questionnaires for analysis in order to evaluate the findings using the SD method. This research finds that: 1) there are problems in 8 areas in the academic management at the school. The field of Learning Process Development is the most problematic area since it yields the highest frequency in the evaluation. The other problematic areas are Learning Source Development, Media and Technology Support, Curriculum Development, Academic Evaluation and Equivalency Program, Research and Quality Assurance Program, and Educational Supervision. A closer look at the results shows that all the problems arise from a lack of operational planning, follow through and follow up, evaluations, and most importantly, a lack of improvement and efficiency. These factors will allow the operation to run smoothly and the development to occur continuously. 2) The guidelines are then presented to the 10 selected certified experts for evaluation and suggestions. The results are as follows: appropriateness and likelihood ranks as the highest (M=4.9, SD=0.10). The breakdown results show an overall likelihood at 5.00, SD at 0.00 and an overall appropriateness at 4.86, SD at 0.19. Breaking down by area shows appropriateness at 5.00, SD at 0.00. As for the likelihood, 5 areas out of 8 show that these areas rank the highest: Learning Process Development, Learning Source Development, Curriculum Development, Evaluation and Equivalency, and Research and Quality Assurance at 5, SD 0.00. The second highest is Educational Supervision at 4.70, SD 0.48. As for Media and Technology Support and Developmental Research, the scores are 4.60, SD 0.52.
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