State and Problems of Distance Learning Instructional Management in the Covid-19 Situation of Preschool Teachersin School under Lopburi Primary Educations Service Area Office 1


  • Kanphitcha Changjun Chulalongkorn University
  • Sasilak Khayankij Chulalongkorn University


distance learning, the coronavirus (COVID-19), preschool teachers


The purposes of this research were to study the state and problems of distance learning instructional management during the COVID-19 situation of preschool teachers in schools under the Lopburi Primary Education Service Area, Office 1. The study focused on two aspects: 1) distance learning planning and 2) distance learning administration. The sample included 192 preschool teachers chosen using quota sampling selection. The research tool consisted of a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and content analysis. The findings showed that in terms of distance learning preparation, 96.4% of kindergarten teachers used a hands-on method, and 85.3% provided lesson plans in accordance with the Early Childhood Education Curriculum B.E. 2017. Regarding distance learning management, it was found that 71.9% of kindergarten teachers built interaction with children using voice calls, 86.5% arranged activities related to daily practices, and 83.3% involved parents in assessing their young children’s development and learning. The problems facing distance learning instructional management were kindergarten teachers' lack of knowledge and understanding of distance learning instructional preparation, in which additional skills in preparing lesson plans needed to be supported. Moreover, the teachers provided activities that did not match the children’s interests, the teachers lacked learning materials, and the children lacked discipline and responsibilities due to the incompetence of the parents.

Author Biography

Sasilak Khayankij, Chulalongkorn University

 Lecturer of Early Childhood Education Division, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


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How to Cite

Changjun, K., & Khayankij, S. (2022). State and Problems of Distance Learning Instructional Management in the Covid-19 Situation of Preschool Teachersin School under Lopburi Primary Educations Service Area Office 1. An Online Journal of Education, 17(2), OJED1702021 (15 pages) DOI: 10.14456/ojed.2022.59. Retrieved from