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           Female teacher training in Thailand officially began in 1913by establishing Benjamarachalai School to provide education spectially for female teachers. But it was not successful been desired because at that time the female in Thailand, did not recive a level of basic education that was in line with the education of the teaching profession. As a result, teacher training for women had developed more slowly than it should. To solve this problem, the Ministry of Education had expanded the scope of education to Chulalongkorn University by establishing the Teacher Education Department. But only a small number of women enrolled. Later, the centre for female teacher traning moved from Benjamarachalai School to  Phetchaburi Wittayalongkorn teacher training school. But there was a problem with the suita of the space for expansion because the government wanted to accelerate the production of female teachers with higher qualifications to meet the needs of society Therefore, the place was used in the area of Suan Sunandha , Dusit Palace Established as Suan Sunandha Wittayalai School Providing teaching and learning from general level to primary school teacher certificate level. In addition, a Teacher Training Division has been established under the Ministry of Education to drive the mission of training teachers throughout the country. and higher level teaching in secondary teacher training schools. and at Chulalongkorn University But it was stopped due to the conditions of World War II. When the war ended teacher training for both men and women continued to improve to the point where it was now possible to teach up to a degree at colleges of education. and raised the status of a teacher training school to a teacher college. The learners can complete their studies at the certificate level. up to associate degree level Able to go out and perform teaching duties or continue further studies to reach the next degree level The training of women teachers has been firmly established since 1963 and has continued to progress until the present.

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How to Cite
SINGHLUMPONG , R. . (2023). FEMALE TEACHER TRAINING IN THAILAND DURING 1913 – 1963. Journal of Suan Sunandha Arts and Culture, 3(2), 41–61. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/artsjournal_ssru/article/view/271343


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