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              “Nora Kaek” is known as Nora Kuan in a local language. Nora Kaek performance is mainly performed in the three southern provinces of Thailand and some upper parts of Malaysia, such as Kelantan and Terengganu states. It is a combination of south Nora performance and the Mayong performance found in Pattani province. The salient components of Nora Kaek are the costumes, the language used, and the weapons of the master and the Nai Pran (a hunter role). The show can be divided into three parts: 1. Berk Rong (Opening), 2. Sitting dance and Ram Keaw by the Nora Master, and 3.  Tambot with Nai Pran dance. The weapons used by the master are Phra Khan (a royal sword) and Mud Wai (a bunch of rattan sticks). Additionally, the weapons used by the Nai Pran are Mid Krok (a Perak knife) and Nah Pran (a wooden bolt). The Phra Khan could be used by the master of the troupe. It is a tool used in healing rites ceremonies to recover skin diseases. The ceremony is called “Sen”. Moreover, Mud Wai and Mid Krok are used in Tam Bot dance. The unique aspect of the Nora weapons is the integration of Mayong prop and Nora dance which systematically combined into Nora Kaek performance.

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How to Cite
WENPHET , A. . . (2023). THE WEAPONS OF NORA KAEK MASTER. Journal of Suan Sunandha Arts and Culture, 3(2), 83–100. Retrieved from


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