Model of Person-Environment Fit on Employees Performanceoutcomes of Front Office Hotel Employees in Phetchaburi Province


  • ประสิทธิ์พร เก่งทอง คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเพชรบุรี


Person-Environment Fit, Performance Outcomes


The objectives of this aim to study (i) the degree of persons and their environment in the hotel (P-E fit); (ii), the performance outcome of employees at the front office department in; (iii) the degree of employees, organization environment and performance outcome fit; (iv), the influence of (P-E fit) and performance outcome. The P-E fit consisted of 3 dimensions. Which were Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit), Person-Group Fit (P-G Fit) and Person-Job Fit (P-J Fit). The outcomes of work performance were job satisfaction, organization commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. This research used the quantitative method by sending questionnaires to employees of 30 hotels. Only 188 questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to analyze data. From the research found that, three dimension of person fit (P-O, P-G, and P-J) was significant at the medium level of Person-Environment Fit (P-E Fit). 2) The PersonOrganization (P-O Fit) had relationship to job satisfaction, organizations commitments and organizational citizenship behavior in medium level. 3) Person-Groups Fit (P-G Fit) caused a positive relationship to the job satisfaction, organizations commitments and organizational citizenship behavior in high level. Person-Job Fit (P-J Fit) had a positive relationship with job satisfaction, organizations commitments and organizational citizenship behavior in medium level. Consistency about Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit) and Person-Group Fit (P-G Fit) could predict the job satisfaction at 30.3%. Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit) and Person-Job Fit (P-J Fit) could predict the organizational commitment at 38.2%. Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit) and Person-Group Fit (P-G Fit) could predict the organizational citizenship behavior at 36.8% significance. The recommendation of this research was suitable recruitment and selection of employees at the front office department in the hotel was absolutely essential because it could boost the effectiveness of employees’ performance.




How to Cite

เก่งทอง ป. (2014). Model of Person-Environment Fit on Employees Performanceoutcomes of Front Office Hotel Employees in Phetchaburi Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 6(1), 51–70. retrieved from



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