Manpower Requirement Analysis for the Corporations in Business Chinese to ASEAN and China Free Trade Area
Potential, Samutprakan Province, ASEAN CommunityAbstract
This research was aimed to survey the situations and impact of ASEAN Community to economic and social of Samut prakarn Province, to study the potential of strategic plan in provincial development and the preparedness to AEC and regulate guideline to enhance the ability and the preparedness. This research use quantitative methodology by collecting data from questionnaires, survey and interview. The 266 participants were samples selected from head of local government office, public enterprises, local administrators and private sector including 24 participants from interview. The qualitative methodology by reviewing documents and related research. The statistics descriptive use for analyzing data were frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation.
The results of this study revealed that participants should have comprehended the AEC’s situations to economic and social of the Samutprakan province were at moderate level ( = 3.06, S.D. = 0.617), there was only one factor which understood the purpose of AEC at highest level (
= 3.24, S.D. = 0.617), Participant’s overview of AEC were at moderate level (
= 3.22, S.D. = 0.625). The attitude toward the impact of AEC which were at moderate level (
= 3.32, S.D. = 0.574). The Samutprakan Province’s strength were suitable location lead to the center of production base, the efficiency of transportation logistics, skill labor, famous in cultural and custom tourists and strong in local administration. The weakness points were pollution problems, labor shortage, less efficiency in logistics network, illegal labor, the limited development of technology, less understanding and enthusiastic of labor, lack of efficiency in the natural resources deterioration’s prevention. For the preparedness it should have the enhance AEC understanding and stimulate government and local sector cooperation in every level and adjust strategic guidelines beforehand of Samut prakan Province.
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ข้อความที่ปรากฏในบทความแต่ละเรื่องในวารสารวิชาการเล่มนี้เป็นความคิดเห็นส่วนตัวของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับมหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ และคณาจารย์ท่านอื่น ๆ ในมหาวิทยาลัยฯ แต่อย่างใด ความรับผิดชอบองค์ประกอบทั้งหมดของบทความแต่ละเรื่องเป็นของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่าน หากมีความผิดพลาดใดๆ ผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านจะรับผิดชอบบทความของตนเองแต่ผู้เดียว