Market Timing Performance of Retirement Mutual Funds in Thailand by Treynor and Mazuy Model, and Henriksson and Merton Model


  • ฤทธิ์ชาติ นิมมานเหมินท์ Payap University
  • กฤษณะ กันทาปัน
  • ศรัณย์ ภูดล
  • ธีราลักษณ์ สัจจะวาที Payap University


retirement mutual funds, Market timing


This applied research aims to (1) investigate market timing performance of Thai
retirement mutual funds from January 2013 to December 2015; (2) the correlation between
results from both market timing measures is also investigated. Data of 94 retirement mutual
funds in sample set are computed. Binomial Test and Pearson Correlation are tested as
inferential statistics.
Market timing performance results strongly indicate that fund manager’s market
timing ability with respect to individual fund was inferior to the market portfolio. Only 2
out of 94 retirement mutual funds had significant positive value for the Treynor and Mazuy
Model; and only 3 funds had significant positive value when the Henriksson and Merton
model was applied. Binomial tests strongly confirm that most retirement mutual funds
underperformed the market portfolio in market timing ability. Furthermore, statistical
evidence points to the existence of a significant positive relationship between the two
market timing models and thus both market timing performance models will provide similar
performance results.

Author Biographies

ฤทธิ์ชาติ นิมมานเหมินท์, Payap University

Finance and Banking Department, Payap University
Super Highway Chiangmai- Lampang Road, Muang District, Chaiangmai Province, 50000

ธีราลักษณ์ สัจจะวาที, Payap University

Finance and Banking Department, Payap University
Super Highway Chiangmai- Lampang Road, Muang District, Chaiangmai Province, 50000


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How to Cite

นิมมานเหมินท์ ฤ., กันทาปัน ก., ภูดล ศ., & สัจจะวาที ธ. (2018). Market Timing Performance of Retirement Mutual Funds in Thailand by Treynor and Mazuy Model, and Henriksson and Merton Model. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 55–74. Retrieved from



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