The Correlation between CSR Disclosure and Sustainable Firm Value: A Case Study of the Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand


  • ศิริพร มาลัยเปีย Rajamangala Univercity of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • ดารารัตน์ โพธิ์ประจักษ์


Firm Value, Corporate Social Responsibility, Report


This study of the correlation between corporate social responsibility disclosure and
sustainable firm value. This research analyzed data of 313 listed companies in the Stock
Exchange of Thailand (SET) by utilizing data on financial report in 2015. The result shows
a positively direct correlation between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD)
and Firm Value (FMVL) at Chi Square level of 93.58, the p-value of 0.091, the degree of
freedom (df) of 55, the χ2/2 value of 1.70, RMSEA level of 0.047, SRMR level of 0.040,
GFI level of 0.96, CIF level of 0.99 and AGFI level of 0.97. The results show that CSR
has a positive influence on firm’s value with an impact coefficient of 0.94 and the firm’s
value has a positive direct impact on firm sustainability the coefficient of influence is 0.98
at significant level statistics. The top three most socially responsible CSR disclosure were
the most influential CSR (10), second is innovation and dissemination of innovation (CSR9)
and anti-corruption (CSR3) were 0.25 **, 0.16 ** and 0.13 **, respectively

Author Biography

ศิริพร มาลัยเปีย, Rajamangala Univercity of Technology Suvarnabhumi

Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology,
19 Uthong Road, Thawasukri, Phranakhon-Si-Ayutthaya District,
Phranakhon-Si-Ayutthaya Province, 13000.

Rajamangala Univercity of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Phranakhon-Si-Ayutthaya Wasukri Center


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How to Cite

มาลัยเปีย ศ., & โพธิ์ประจักษ์ ด. (2018). The Correlation between CSR Disclosure and Sustainable Firm Value: A Case Study of the Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 75–86. retrieved from



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