A Model of Competency Development of Employees in Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsoa Province


  • สิทธิชัย ธรรมเสน่ห์ Faculty of Management Science Suan Sunundha Rajabhat University


Competency Development Model, Employee Wellgrow Industrial Estate Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsao Province


This research was aimed to study the need of competency development of employee
to improve and assess a competency development model of employee. The data was
compiled using the integrated method with 3 processes; Step 1:study the need of
competency development of employee, Step 2: improve a competency development model of
employee and Step 3: assess a competency development model of employee. The sample
group was 400 employees of Wellgrow Industrial Estate. A model was improved by 17
professors who worked as an executive and related to the competency assessment of
employee, and 108 managers of Wellgrow Industrial Estate by the technique of group
conversation and sample group to assess the possibility and the benefit of using. The finding
revealed that; 1) the competency development was in the high level, 2) there were 10
components to improve a competency development model of employee: improving the work
process to accomplish the goals, using the organization resources for the highest efficiency,
the participation of defining the organizational goals, dedicating to work, improving the
emotional quotient, the consciousness of using the resources worthily, work efficiently,
supporting the teamwork, responsible for the personal and organizational goals, and
improving the information technology skill, and 3) the assessment of a competency
development model of employee was in the highest level.

Author Biography

สิทธิชัย ธรรมเสน่ห์, Faculty of Management Science Suan Sunundha Rajabhat University

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How to Cite

ธรรมเสน่ห์ ส. (2018). A Model of Competency Development of Employees in Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsoa Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 87–106. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/162252



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