Survey of Education and Training Needs of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Samut Prakran Province


  • พีระพงษ์ เอื้อสุนทรวัฒนา Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • ชุติระ ระบอบ
  • แววมยุรา คำสุข
  • นันทวรรณ บุญรักษา
  • อภิญญา ไกรสำโรง
  • พิษณุ วรรณกูล


Small and Medium Enterprise, Education and Training


This research aimed to explore the education and training need of small and
medium enterprises in Samut Prakarn province, to analyze problems, obstacles and
promotion guidelines in education and training. Sample of the study consists of 397
entrepreneurs, administrators and employees in 4 business : production, wholesaler, retailer
and service sector. The research instruments were questionnaire and interviewing by using
simple statistics : percentage, average and standard deviation.
Research found that almost samples earnes a bachelor degree in Business
Administration and Engineering for 1-5 years, they planned for higher education in business
field, with their own money and with an experience supporting from their family. Career
path progression is the advantage of higher education meanwhile to have profound
knowledge in their job is importance issue toward training. Time is higher education’s
restriction to the study. So they have to prepare the industrial or logistics and supply chain

curriculum for learners, and for the short courses interested topics for financial, accounting
and taxation are investment analysis, for marketing are social media marketing, for
computerization is Microsoft excel program, for management are leadership and teamwork
and for language requirement are English and Business Chinese.

Author Biography

พีระพงษ์ เอื้อสุนทรวัฒนา, Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University

Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
18/18 Bangna-Trad Highway (KM. 18), Bang Chalong, Bang Phli District,
Samut Prakan Province 10540


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How to Cite

เอื้อสุนทรวัฒนา พ., ระบอบ ช., คำสุข แ., บุญรักษา น., ไกรสำโรง อ., & วรรณกูล พ. (2018). Survey of Education and Training Needs of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Samut Prakran Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(2), 157–176. Retrieved from



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