The Idea of Scenery Town is Created. That is “Kankoumachizukuri” for Locally Economical, Social, Culture and Environmental Permanence.


  • Duangdao Yoshida คณะบริหารธุรกิจ


scenery town, Kankoumachizukuri, tourism, permanence


Tourism brings about to locally developmental permanence in many dimensions, such as economical, social, cultural and environmental aspects. Tourism itself is applied its local tourism resources to create tourism activities; consequently, to attract tourists to make a decision coming to the tourist-spot setting in its own area. Tourism itself creates lots of advantages to the local area in many dimensions; however, it also makes effects to the local area too. The idea of scenery town is created. “Kankoumachizukuri” is the model which the creator applies the idea for the way to develop, to adjust, and to protect the phenomenon occurred from tourism development. The real practice is created based on its own way and principle settled to the permanence of local development in all dimensions quoted above. Tourism related personnel participation is critically created for its management style; as a matter of fact, local tourism resources usage must be used under the idea of its own supreme benefit. The real tourism practice focuses on all tourism related people who get the effect of tourism practice in terms of their satisfaction ,reducing the conflict which may be occurred by tourism development.


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How to Cite

Yoshida, D. (2020). The Idea of Scenery Town is Created. That is “Kankoumachizukuri” for Locally Economical, Social, Culture and Environmental Permanence. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 12(2), 256–271. retrieved from



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