Effects of Sales Promotional Tools on Product Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction: The Application of Inverted U-Shaped Theory


  • Nann Ei Ei San PhD BA
  • Mayuree Aryupong


Sales promotion tools, Actual behavior, Inverted U-shaped Theory


This research examines the effect of the sales promotion tools on consumer perception in terms of product quality, brand image and customer satisfaction which may lead to purchase intention and actual purchase in the context of the cosmetic female customers in Yangon, Myanmar. This study applied inverted U-shaped theory to explain the negative relationship between price discount, Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF), and product quality and brand image. Moreover, this study tests the relationship between purchase intention and actual purchase which will expand the knowledge in the consumer behavior field. Total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to the customers who are consuming the Revlon cosmetics and collected by hand at Revlon counters in Yangon, the business city of Myanmar. This study applied the SEM for data analysis. The findings indicate the negative effect to product quality. The results of the positive effect of premium on product quality, brand image and customer satisfaction are consistent with previous studies. Among consumer perception, only product quality is related to purchase intention while brand image and customer satisfaction are not related. This study also confirms the positive relationship between purchase intention and actual purchase. It contributes a lot to the attitude-behavior literatures.


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How to Cite

San, N. E. E., & Aryupong , M. (2020). Effects of Sales Promotional Tools on Product Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction: The Application of Inverted U-Shaped Theory. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 12(1), 84–103. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/176208



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