A Causal Factors Model Inflf luencing Consumer Loyalty toward AliExpress Application of China in Thailand


  • แววมยุรา คำสุข Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • มรกต กำแพงเพชร
  • อาภรณ์ ภู่เผือก
  • ปรียา ศิวเวชช
  • พัฒนพงศ์ เพ็งจันทร์
  • ฉัตรแก้ว ฮาตระวัง


Perceive Quality, Perceive Value, Customer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty


The purpose of this research was to study the factors influencing of the variable needs
of consumer loyalty of AliExpress application use and to develop a model of factors that
influence the loyalty of consumers using AliExpress application express in Thailand. The
research instrument was a questionnaire to collect data from 400 consumers who using
AliExpress application. Results indicated that the structure (Structure Equation model: SEM)
showed Customer Satisfaction and the Perceive Value had a direct positive influence on
Consumer Loyalty. Furthermore, the Perceive Quality had an indirect positive influence on
Consumer Loyalty toward Customer Satisfaction and Perceive Value. The final model can
explain the Loyalty of Consumers with 74 percent (R2 = 0.74).

Author Biography

แววมยุรา คำสุข, Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University

Faculty of Business Administration Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
18/18 Bangna-Trad Highway, Bang Chalong, Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province 10540
Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
College of Innovation and Management Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


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How to Cite

คำสุข แ., กำแพงเพชร ม., ภู่เผือก อ., ศิวเวชช ป., เพ็งจันทร์ พ., & ฮาตระวัง ฉ. (2019). A Causal Factors Model Inflf luencing Consumer Loyalty toward AliExpress Application of China in Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(1), 111–126. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/198279



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