The Evaluation Research of Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Marketing Program (Revised 2013) Business Administration Faculty Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


  • สุเมษ เลิศจริยพร คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Evaluation Research, Marketing Program


The research of evaluation of bachelor Degree Program is the process to collect all
important data from all major participants involving running and managing program in purpose
of verification, improvement and lead to major curriculum and program revision. With reference
to Huachiew Chalermprakiet University’s Bachelor Degree in Marketing Program (Revised
2013), the Marketing Program (Revised 2013) is 4-year program and presently in turn of major
revision for students admission in education year 2018. To design the revised 2018 program
effectively, the research proceed Census Technique by collecting data and the result of the
personal data consequently was concluded from population of 5-major group which consists
of 94 samples from 1th-4th year students, 23 samples of graduates in education year 2016, 14
samples from employers/coworkers of graduates, 7 samples of marketing instructors and 22
samples of graduates’ parents. Summary of the accumulative grade of the 1th-4th year students
were as; 50 percent of the total students gained between 2.00-2.49, 38.9 percent of the total
students in the range between 2.50-2.99 and 5.6 percent of the total students gained between
3.00-3.49 and 3.50-3.99 respectively. The information from the research came out through 4
aspects as following details;

1. Context aspect consists of two topics; 2.1 topic of objective of Marketing Program
The success of the objective of the program arrives from the program fulfills the students with
knowledge comprehension both marketing and other concerned theories adapted in changing
situation and environment at the top rank, nonetheless, the students still had weakness in
English communication, capability of new technology devices. Implementing knowledge to the
real working operation, and assisted students gained marketing career experiences. 2.2. structure
and contents of Marketing program The information suggests the opinion pertaining structure
and contents of Marketing program were optimum for total studying credits not less than 135
credits identified as 30 credits for general education course, 48 credits for business core course,
36 credits of major requirements, 9 major elective credits for Co-Operative Education course
and 12 major elective for field work practice course. The outcomes of the research suggested
that subject of GE 1113 Chinese Studies and IB 1013 ASEAN-Chinese Business should be
removed from the program, meanwhile, EC 1003 Macroeconomics, FN 1603 Business Finance
and BA4113 Taxation in business core course and MK 3613 Purchasing and Procurement,
MK4693 Hospitality and Service Marketing, MK 3553 Integrated Marketing Communication,
MK 3603 Sales Management and Sales Technique and MK3643 Field Work Pratices should
have instruction modification.
2. Input aspect This aspect includes two significant aspects; students and infrastructures.
Regarding student aspect, the information expresses the top rank schools which the 1th- 4th year
students finished from comprising with Ratchadumri school and Nawamintrachinuthid
Suankularpwittayalai Samutprakarn school, the second rank came from Samutprakarn school
and Sirirattanathorn school. The reasons of studying the Marketing Program (Revised 2013)
from the most choice was interest in Marketing Program, next choice was convenience of
traveling and University close to accommodation and 3rd reason came from parents’
suggestion. According to the second aspect, studying infrastructure, the research recommended
improvements by increasing number of computer set in computer laboratory, enhancing speed
of WI-FI, modernizing marketing textbook in library consistent with the marketing subjects
both Thai and English version.

3. Process aspect The research forms the results of the positive performance aspects
of the Marketing program were convenience for student getting effective consulting and advice
from adviser, having efficient marketing course management process, nevertheless, too little
healthy and sport activities for students.
4. Product aspect The research suggests that graduates were employed in marketing
field consists of Retailing, Wholesaling, Sales promotion, Purchasing, and Customer information
career. Noticeably, the employers expected capabilities from the graduates comprising with
Communication with influential persons with marketing technical term efficiently, ability of
English communication and knowledge adaptation to real marketing operation.

Author Biography

สุเมษ เลิศจริยพร, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ

Marketing Program, Business Administration Faculty
Huachiew Chalermprakiet University,Thailand


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How to Cite

เลิศจริยพร ส. (2019). The Evaluation Research of Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Marketing Program (Revised 2013) Business Administration Faculty Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(1), 127–145. retrieved from



Research Articles