Agripreneurship Characteristics in Green Agribusiness


  • มรกต กำแพงเพชร สาขาวิชาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัย ศิลปากร วิทยาเขตสารสนเทศเพชรบุรี
  • สวรรยา ธรรมอภิพล
  • นรินทร์ สังข์รักษา


Agripreneurship Characteristics, Business Success, Green Agribusiness


As concern for the environment becomes a universal phenomenon, surely the profile
of the ecologically conscious consumer has evolved along with this fundamental shift in public
attitude. After the Green Economy, the role of the farmers worldwide has been developed
to become an agricultural entrepreneur. The role aims at reducing the economic inequality and
raising the social environment-friendly which are the goal of sustainable development (SDGS).
The concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation is a new paradigm for driving the world economy.
The development of a farmer is one of the Thailand 4.0 model goals. It is driving to reform
the economic structure by changing a traditional agriculture to a modern agriculture. The
farmers should have the Agripreneurship characteristics to become a successful farmer. The
Agripreneurship characteristics will increase the ability to create and develop a profitable
business in the changing business environment and increase the awareness of a new business
opportunity. Furthermore, it will help farmers to build the business network and develop the
skills of management, marketing and sale, and strategy management. Agripreneurship characteristics
will help the agricultural entrepreneurs to be successful in Green Agribusiness.

Author Biography

มรกต กำแพงเพชร, สาขาวิชาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัย ศิลปากร วิทยาเขตสารสนเทศเพชรบุรี

Doctor of philosophy in Management, Faculty of Management Science Silpakorn University.


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How to Cite

กำแพงเพชร ม., ธรรมอภิพล ส., & สังข์รักษา น. (2019). Agripreneurship Characteristics in Green Agribusiness. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(1), 262–275. retrieved from



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