Basic Equipment for Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in Marine Tourism : Similarities and Differences


  • Udchari Arjarasirikoon คณะศิลปศาสตร์ ม.หัวเฉียวฯ


Snorkeling, Scuba Diving, Marine Tourism


Diving in marine tourist attractions in Thailand is popular with both Thai and foreign tourists. This activity is divided into 2 types : (1) Snorkeling, which is moving at the surface level by using snorkel and (2) Deep diving by using underwater breathing apparatus (Self – Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus – SCUBA) in a depth of several. Both activities use the same basic diving equipment but different in details, can be classified into 3 categories : (1) Basic equipment (2) Accessories and (3) Safety equipment. Shallow diving equipment is made of materials that are thinner than deep diving equipment. Respecting danger in diving, it was found that snorkeling is less dangerous than SCUBA diving. For popularity, snorkeling is more popular because snorkeling equipment is less expensive than SCUBA diving and snorkeling still requires less skill training than scuba diving. After diving, the maintenance of the diving equipment of both types of diving activities needs to be cleaned with fresh water and leave the equipment to air. However, those who are diving should practice skin diving well before developing to be a deep diver.


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How to Cite

Arjarasirikoon, U. . (2021). Basic Equipment for Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in Marine Tourism : Similarities and Differences. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(1), 304–318. Retrieved from



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