The Success of Start-up Business at the Eastern Economic Corridor


  • Pornrat Sadangharn คณะการจัดการและการท่องเที่ยว มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Start-up business, Entrepreneurship, Eastern Economic Corridor


This research aimed at exploring the biography of successful person who run start-up business at the Eastern Economic Corridor, and investigating key success factors in running start-up business at the Eastern Economic Corridor. By employing the qualitative research method, biography and narrative approach, the research results revealed the biography of a key informant which was personal characteristics such as the education background aligned with the start-up business, entrepreneurship motivation, leadership, and creative thinking. These personal characteristics were one of the key success factors in running start-up business at the Eastern Economic Corridor. In addition, business context such as support from the related agencies, networking, teamwork, appropriate period of time, customer oriented, and continuous product improvement were another key success factor.




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How to Cite

Sadangharn, P. . (2021). The Success of Start-up Business at the Eastern Economic Corridor. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(2), 62–75. retrieved from



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