Analysis of Internal and External Sources of Knowledge for Open Innovation Management of Thai Automotive Industry


  • Poramet Eamurai Eamurai บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเอเชียอาคเนย์
  • Napaporn Khantanapha


Research and Development, Sources of Knowledge, Open Innovation, Automotive Industry


The purpose of this research was to examine and apply the sources of knowledge to create open innovation of the Thai automotive industry. The literature review was able to identify 11 main sources of knowledge for this study through a group meeting with executives in the automotive industry. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and visits of factories chosen from the selected companies. Analyze the data by considering the percentage of total source of knowledge obtained from the interviews of all 5 companies. To find common factors of knowledge sources that are used in the organization. Then analyze by dividing the sources of knowledge according to the sources of knowledge that are found as a group of internal sources and external sources.

The results indicated that the top four sources of knowledge used in the automotive industry were (1) in-house R&D, (2) joint with customer, which corresponds to the dimension of the new marketing with a concept of customer co-creation, (3) trial and error, and (4) best practice.


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How to Cite

Eamurai , P. E. ., & Khantanapha, N. . (2021). Analysis of Internal and External Sources of Knowledge for Open Innovation Management of Thai Automotive Industry. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(2), 42–61. Retrieved from



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