Recyclable Waste Management of Salengs and Antique Shop in Samut Songkhram Province


  • Sawanya Thammaapipon
  • Pennapa Junpipob
  • Ornalin Thongjumroon


Recyclable Waste Management, Salengs , Antique Shop


The research aim was to study recyclable waste management and problems and obstacles of recyclable waste management. Data was collected by in depth interview Salengs and owner Antique shop. Data was checked with triangulation methods, categorized, analyzed and presented by describing.

The result showed that Motorcycle Salengs, side-by-side and front trailers, were used to picked up garbage at a regular customer’s house. The amount of recyclable waste 200-500 kg /day. Most of them were plastic bottles.  Antique shop is a medium family business.  Recyclable waste process was (1) Separation process, paper, plastic, glass, metal and electronic equipment 2) Collection process, into a plastic bag, sack bag or black plastic bag. 3) Transformation process, Salengs no transformation while Antique shop transform waste with compactor 4) Transportation process, Salengs send to sold within one day and sold later. Antique shop send to Waste recycling plant everyday 5) Disposal process, non-recyclable waste was dumped into the municipality's trash. Recyclable waste management problems were, low quality recyclable waste, recyclable waste import policy.


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How to Cite

Thammaapipon, S., Junpipob , P. ., & Thongjumroon, O. . (2022). Recyclable Waste Management of Salengs and Antique Shop in Samut Songkhram Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 61–74. Retrieved from



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