Behavior and Satisfaction of Indian Tourists towards Thai Tourism Image
Tourist behavior, Satisfaction, Tourist image, Indian touristsAbstract
Purpose of this study is to examine behaviors of tourists. Outcome of the study relates to the satisfaction of the Indian tourists towards a marketing mix for Thai tourism industry and provides guideline for further development of Thai tourism marketing plan for Indian tourists based on the perception of Indian tourists on Thai tourism. Closed-end questionnaire is used to collect data from related agencies involved in tourism. 400 sample size is taken for the study by using Taro Yamane's formula at 95% confidence level with 5% degree of error.
The result showed that most of Indian tourists traveling in Thailand prefer to travel with friends/acquaintance during vacation for several consecutive days. Attractive tourist images of Thailand followed by other images such as quality and variety of tourist activities, rich Thai culture and convenience of accessing tourist places, respectively. Safety in traveling has been perceived as weak. It is regarded as an obstacle Indian tourist. Demographic characteristics of Indian tourist are significantly different, motivation of Indian tourists towards Thai tourism was statistically significant at the 0.05 confidence level.
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