The Study of Causal Model of Tourism Logistics Management Influencing the Loyalty of Tourists in Southern Andaman Provinces


  • Jongdee Phusalux College of Innovation and Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Tourism Logistics Management, Trust, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist Loyalty


The Study of Causal Model of Tourism Logistics Management Influencing the Loyalty of Tourists in Southern Andaman Provinces. The objectives of the study were 1) to examine the consistency of the causal model of variables that influences the loyalty of tourists in the southern provinces of the Andaman coast developed with empirical data: 2) to study the direct influence, indirect influence, and combined influence of variables on tourists' loyalty in the southern provinces of the Andaman coast: and 3) to develop a causal model of variables that influence the loyalty of tourists in the southern provinces of the Andaman coast.  The researcher used the quantitative research methodology by using questionnaires as a tool for data collection, then collected data from 240 tourists in the southern provinces of the Andaman coast. Subsequently, the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and structure equation model (SEM). The results found that were trust, tourism logistics management, and tourists satisfaction influencing tourist loyalty. The loyalty of tourists was positively affected by the management of tourism logistics and positively affected the trust and satisfaction of tourists with statistical significance in which the variable rate of tourist loyalty can be explained by 100 percent (R2=1.00) By considering proper logistics management, as it can affect the credibility, safety, and satisfaction of tourists, giving travelers recommendations and returning to visit the place, repeatedly.


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How to Cite

Phusalux, J. (2023). The Study of Causal Model of Tourism Logistics Management Influencing the Loyalty of Tourists in Southern Andaman Provinces . Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 15(2), 129–148. retrieved from



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