Influence of Servicescape on Customer Loyalty of Coffee Shop: Testing the Role of Customer Satisfaction as Mediation


  • Chatchai Inthasang
  • Piyamaporn Thiamjite
  • Sunisa Thongchan


Servicescape, Customer Satisfaction, Customer loyalty


The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of servicescape on customer loyalty of coffee shops. Data was collected using the survey method from 385 customer of coffee shops in Nakhon Ratchasima province and questionnaire was tool of data collection. In this study, multiple regression analysis is employed to analyze the relationships between servicescape and customer loyalty.

The result of hypothesis testing found that each dimension of servicescape (place identity, place physical and place attitude) has a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction. Whereas, customer satisfaction explicitly leads to customer loyalty of coffee shops in Nakhon Ratchasima.Besides, this research findings show that the customer satisfaction plays the role of a mediator in the effects of servicescape on customer loyalty. The study suggests that executives of coffee shops can implement and should understand servicescape in order to fulfill customer needs.


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How to Cite

Inthasang, C. ., Thiamjite , P. ., & Thongchan, S. . (2022). Influence of Servicescape on Customer Loyalty of Coffee Shop: Testing the Role of Customer Satisfaction as Mediation. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 106–125. Retrieved from



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