Theoretical Reviews and Propositions for Explaining Resilient Organizations


  • Chayanoot Pungcharoenpong National Institute of Development Administration
  • Sombat Kusumavalee


comprehensive review, organizational crisis, resilient organization


The objective of this article was to provide a comprehensive review for explaining resilient organizations. In this regard, theories, conceptual papers, and research articles related to the concept of resilient organizations, organizational crisis, and organizational survivability and adjustment despite adversity and challenges were reviewed. This review contributes to the development of resilience in organizations and will help organizations to demonstrate successful outcomes regarding adjustability despite a crisis. Seven propositions are presented in order to explain resilient organizations. It is the authors’ opinion that the research on resilient organizations can move forward based on this comprehensive review.


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How to Cite

Pungcharoenpong, C., & Kusumavalee, S. . (2021). Theoretical Reviews and Propositions for Explaining Resilient Organizations. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(1), 260–273. Retrieved from



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