Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Analysis of Chanthaburi Province to Serve Eastern Fruit Corridor


  • Thongchai Sribenjachot คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏรำไพพรรณี
  • Sureeporn Phanichatra Faculty of Management Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University
  • Anchalee Uthaikaifha Faculty of Management Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University


Agricultural Total Factor ProductivityChanthaburi Province, Total Factor Productivity


The study aimed to 1) study the Eastern Fruit Corridor (EFC) project 2) analyze the Total Factor Production Growth (TFPG) and 3) analyze factors affecting the Total Factor Production Growth. Time series analysis was adopted for collecting yearly data during 2001 -2017. The study outcomes were 1) the Eastern Fruit Corridor project was part of the Eastern Economic Corridor for managing system of fruit supply chain. Chanthaburi province emphasized development of agricultural production efficiency, improvement of product value and logistic system. 2) Analyzing the Total Factor Production Growth of agricultural sectors in Chanthaburi The Total Factor Production Growth effected the most of the real productivity growth of agricultural sectors in Chanthaburi. 3) Analyzing factors affecting the Total Factor Production Growth by multiple regression model generated outcomes that the most critical factor effecting the Total Factor Production Growth was education factor and respectively less critical effect factors were agricultural product trading factors, agricultural support factors, transportation support factors, weather factors, agricultural public utility factors, and agricultural chemical factors.


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How to Cite

Sribenjachot, T. ., Phanichatra, S., & Uthaikaifha, A. (2021). Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: Analysis of Chanthaburi Province to Serve Eastern Fruit Corridor. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(1), 91–110. retrieved from



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