Knowledge Transfer and Its Impacts on Software Development in a Multinational Enterprise


  • Anyanitha Distanont


Knowledge transfer, Software development, Multinational enterprise


This research study aims to investigate the factors that influence the effectiveness of knowledge transfer in the software development of a multinational enterprise. The comparison studies all factors of personnel at the headquarters in the United Kingdom and subsidiaries in Thailand and proposes ways to effectively transfer appropriate knowledge between staff in each country. The research methodology consisted of a literature review, observations, and interviews. Data collection was conducted using a set of questionnaires and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). Research findings revealed five groups of factors that affected knowledge transfer related to software development in a multinational enterprise: internal organizational management, organizational culture, working contexts, knowledge transfer process, and people’s capabilities. These findings can be applied to working plans between software development teams of transnational corporations with different working styles in terms of systems, thinking methods, attitudes, cultures, language, or even working schedules. These differences can influence collaborative work. A good plan enhances effective learning and knowledge transfer, leading to the success of the project operation.


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How to Cite

Distanont, A. (2022). Knowledge Transfer and Its Impacts on Software Development in a Multinational Enterprise. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 234–253. Retrieved from



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