Guidelines for the Promotion of Cultural Tourism Participation of Songkhla Old Town Bo Yang Subdistrict, Mueang Songkhla District, Songkhla Province.


  • Nithikittikarn Hemsuwan Faculty of Management Science,Silpakorn University
  • Santidhorn Pooripakdee Faculty of Management Science,Silpakorn University


Cultural tourism, Participation, Tourism promotion, Songkhla Old Town


In this research, the promotion approach for cultural tourism with participation of  Songkhla Old Town community was conducted. Mixed-method study was used to collect the data from information sources, related documents, observation, group discussion, and interview with ten community leaders and involved five people. The assessment of the tourism potential was considered as a physical assessment and a preliminary assessment in order to find out the basic potential of tourism.  There were five criteria by observation and the results showed that, at present, a conservation group was established to cooperate with all sectors and the old town of Songkhla community to promote attractions, archaeological sites, buildings which are associated with the history of this area and easily accessible. However, there were still no service centers or souvenirs to show the identity of the area. Therefore, the community should be developed in terms of security throughout the system, including tourism activities, environment, and tourism potential by applying lifestyles to rather create tourism activities than present tourist sites and archaeological sites. In addition, the meaningful interpretation in tourist attractions should be improved to attract more tourists.


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How to Cite

Hemsuwan , N. ., & Pooripakdee, S. . (2022). Guidelines for the Promotion of Cultural Tourism Participation of Songkhla Old Town Bo Yang Subdistrict, Mueang Songkhla District, Songkhla Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 457–473. Retrieved from



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